Archiv der Kategorie: Serbien

Report on the evictions of the squatted warehouses in Belgrade

Von Mai-Britt Ruff

Belgrade, the 11th of May 2017: The day that the squatted warehouses behind the Busstation in Belgrade, commonly named as “barracks” were evicted and demolished. This eviction and demolition did not happen out of the blue but falls in line with a number of other developments in the Serbian immigration policy and the adaption of practices of neighbored states on Serbian territory. Therefore, this article aims at reporting on the eviction and demolition of the migrant squat in Belgrade and by doing so, reviewing these policies and practices in a broader frame of political developments. Just as the existence of the barracks is strongly connected to the restabilization of the European Border Regime, the demolition of the same is something that cannot be seen isolated from a broader international frame. In the following, I will outline the occupation of the warehouses  as a consequence of tightening borders in the north (1), the situation in the barracks during winter until May 2017 (2), the chronology of the eviction (3), the psychological strategies that were used in the eviction (4) and expectations for further developments in Serbia in general, and Belgrade in particular (5).

Report on the evictions of the squatted warehouses in Belgrade weiterlesen

„You wouldn’t survive a single night here“ – Zur aktuellen Situation in Serbien

Von Marlene Becker und Marc Speer


Seit einigen Wochen gibt es einen wahren journalistischen Hype um die alten Lagerhallen direkt hinter dem Belgrader Bahnhof. Auf etlichen Bildern [1], in Artikeln [2] und in Videos [3] wurden die Gegebenheiten dokumentiert, unter denen dort etwa 1.000 Geflüchtete – fast ausschließlich Männer, darunter auch viele Minderjährige – seit Wochen und Monaten ausharren. Anfang Februar 2017 reiste auch wieder nach Serbien. Weniger um ebenfalls die mittlerweile „berühmten“ Lagerhallen zu besuchen, sondern vielmehr, um einerseits einige der anderen Orte zu besuchen, die von Relevanz im gegenwärtigen serbischen Migrationsregime sind. Andererseits aber auch, um zu sehen und zu verstehen, ob bzw. in welcher Form sich die Situation vor Ort seit den Recherchen (im Sommer 2016) für unseren letzten Bericht  Governing the Balkan Route: Macedonia, Serbia and the European Border Regime verändert hat.

„You wouldn’t survive a single night here“ – Zur aktuellen Situation in Serbien weiterlesen


Since some weeks the Bordermonitoring Serbia Blog is online, where permanently updated information on the constantly changing situation in Serbia can be found.  Below, the first report written by Bordermonitoring Serbia itself. 

Since the 15th of July, the day that prime minister Aleksandar Vučić held a speech [1] about the problems Serbia is facing at the moment, the situation in Serbia for people on the move has become more and more tense. The speech was an awaited response to the legal changes made in Hungary on July 5th (“8 kilometer” push-back law [2]) which set a legal frame for the Hungarian authorities to push back thousands of people to Serbian territory.